How Did Katie Key Die? A splendid West Greene High School understudy, Katie Key was just 17-years of age at the hour of her homicide. Portrayed as somebody who was infatuated with life and anticipated the future, Katie worked a side-work at JC Penney to make some pocket cash as an afterthought. She cherished spreading satisfaction as loved ones referenced how the high schooler could illuminate any room with her grin. An inhabitant of Greenville, Tennessee, Katie was exceptionally near her friends and family and is as yet missed frightfully right up ’til the present time.

In spite of the fact that Katie’s mom and stepfather were very severe about her security, they pulled all nighters and needed to let Katie be at home on specific days. In like manner, on January 16, 2007, Katie was separated from everyone else when an interloper broke in with a shotgun. She heard the gatecrasher and quickly called 911 preceding attempting to stow away. Notwithstanding, the aggressor tracked down her and constrained her into a second-floor room prior to blockading the entryway. At the point when the police showed up at the scene, they found that the intruder had crushed in through the spirit entryway. In addition, they were likewise ready to recuperate two shotgun shells as well as broken glass from the yard.

After going into the house, the cops understood that the aggressor was holding the casualty prisoner in the blockaded room. Not set in stone to save Katie, the police occupied with arrangements and attempted to give it their best shot to diffuse the circumstance. Nonetheless, the abductor was not prepared to yield to common sense, and after around four hours, specialists heard two shotgun impacts from inside the room. They quickly separated the entryway, however it was past the point of no return as Katie lay took shots dead at point-clear reach. Afterward, a post-mortem examination confirmed that the shotgun projectile was answerable for taking her life.

Who Killed Katie Key? At the point when the police broke into the second-floor room, they observed that Katie’s assailant had directed the firearm back toward himself in the wake of shooting the casualty without hesitating. The assailant was still up in the air to be Jason Lynn McCamey, a 29-year-elderly person who was in an apparently secret relationship with Katie Key. Katie met Jason through certain companions, and the two started dating around August 2006. In any case, the show referenced that Katie before long learned about her sweetheart’s oppressive ways and chose to cut off their friendship instantly before Christmas 2006.

In any case, Jason was not prepared to abandon Katie and started following all her developments. Reports say that on January 6, 2007, he constrained himself inside Katie’s vehicle yet gotten away before cops had the option to catch him. On that very evening, Jason even intruded onto Katie’s property and attempted to reach her via telephone however was eventually ineffective. At this point, the police were keeping watch for Jason, yet he crawled under a rock and chose to besiege Katie’s telephone with a few instant messages. Katie’s mom likewise got a text which later ended up being an express image of her girl.

Albeit the Keys increased the security around their home, the police figured out that Jason was keeping a watch on the family from a close by animal dwellingplace, where they tracked down a note alongside a portion of his things. Frightened, Katie’s mom and stepfather started keeping a nearby watch on her and didn’t let Katie far away from them except if vital. In any case, they had no clue about how far Jason was ready to go to get payback, and hence, while they were out working a night shift, Jason broke in and snuffed out Katie’s dynamic life.

Is Jason Lynn McCamey Dead or Alive? Jason Lynn McCamey is no more as he directed the weapon back toward himself just subsequent to shooting Katie on January 7, 2007. At the point when the police went into the room, they found both Katie and Jason dead with shotgun projectile injuries to the head. A post-mortem examination later resolved that Jason’s demise was brought about by self-incurred shot injuries.