Congratulated by the state government with Rajyotsava Grant, Veerachari had swore that on the off chance that equity isn’t followed through on the said issue, he will end it all by hanging himself.

Disturbed over the occurrence, nature darlings and neighborhood inhabitants organized a dissent and impeded the street. They requested that the locale chief ought to come to the spot and direct a test.

Harihara Provincial police have hurried to the spot and are controlling the circumstance.

As indicated by neighborhood occupants, Veerachari has hung to the very tree which he planted and breast fed over many years.

Prior, Veerachari had guaranteed that food things in PDS shops were not being conveyed to underestimated segments of society.

He had been challenging the neighborhood proportion shops since quite a while and said that he would take his life in the event that equity isn’t conveyed. A sound about it has additionally turned into a web sensation.

He used to beauty all projects in the districts with four tree saplings and make mindfulness about expanding green cover.

He had planted and grown a great many trees for quite a long time.

Veerachari hailed from Middlakatte town. He used to run a products auto for vocation and in that vehicle, he conveyed tree saplings.

He used to plant and disperse saplings any place he went.