It was her flat mate Karena Rosario who tracked down her dead with a ton of blood on the ground when she went to her loft back in the early morning of September 7, 2012.

The episode cause a monstrous mix among people in general and many suspects were addressed including the beau of Karena.

At last, after over 9 years of the homicide, a 28-year-elderly person named Miguel Enrique Olivares has been captured for being the associated killer with Hedgepeth, reports NBC News.

As the occurrence is by and by recalled, individuals currently appear to be keen on realizing where Faith’s flat mate, Karena is presently right now.

After the occurrence, Karena Rosario has gone totally a long way from the media inclusion and is carrying on with a rigorously private life in 2021.

It was Karena Rosario who tracked down the half-stripped and seriously beaten dead collection of Faith Hedgepeth.

She was totally crushed by the episode from the absolute first moment and thought that it is exceptionally hard, particularly since they resembled closest companions and lived respectively.

Today, Karena is totally untraceable and nobody knows where she is right now.

Rosario even denied discussing the occurrence to anybody in the previous years and can’t be found via web-based media by the same token.

Presently, that the possible suspect has been captured, quite possibly Karena may be seen by and by. Be that as it may, at this point, she is totally inaccessible.

Since both Karena Rosario and Faith Hedgepeth studied together, she is accepted to be of a comparative age as Faith and that would associate with 28-29 years of age.

Hedgepeth was killed only a few days before her twentieth birthday celebration in 2012.

Relating that data to the current day, Rosario may be around the time of late 20s.

Karena Rosario was dating her previous beau Eriq Takoy Jones in 2012 and Hedgepeth assisted Karena with bettering her rough relationship.

Confidence’s flat mate Rosario was regularly upset and truly mishandled by her sweetheart Eriq around then and Hedgepeth helped her flat mate.

After the homicide, Eriq became one of the great suspects since Faith had meddled among him and Karena.

— Steve Daniels (@DanielsABC11) September 17, 2021

Nonetheless, Jones consolidated fine with the agents and was never truly thought to be an expected suspect, as announced by The Cinemaholic.

It is accepted that Karena Rosario and her then-sweetheart Eriq later separated.