Anybody found raising both of the two varieties will be fined up to Rs 5,000 and their ‘pet’ will be seized, the goal said.

Official sources said that the goal has now been shipped off the metropolitan magistrate, who will give a conventional request in such manner.

After consecutive episodes of canine assaults, the KMC chose to boycott the two varieties viewed as perilous.

As per KMC sources, on the off chance that somebody is found training or selling canines of these two varieties, they would be punished and the canine seized.

The goal said that individuals don’t have a sufficiently huge home or ranch house to keep the canines of extraordinary feared species, because of which they go under pressure and assault individuals.

“To shield people in general from assault, feared Pitbull and Rottweiler breeds are prohibited from as far as possible,” it expressed further.

Extra Metropolitan Chief, Suryakant Tripathi, expressed: “Rearing of canines of both these species to tame and exchanging is disallowed in metropolitan regions. On the off chance that any individual wrongfully keeps such canines in as far as possible, a fine of Rs 5,000 will be forced on them and the canine would likewise be seized.”

After the episodes of Pitbull assaults in Lucknow, Ghaziabad and Meerut, a Pitbull had as of late gone after a cow at Sarsaiya Ghat in Kanpur.

The video of the Kanpur episode had circulated around the web via online entertainment.