Justin Crozier is accounted for to have attracted and manhandled the minor young ladies after the school continued its in-person intuitive meetings.


The singular meeting was a difficult memory to the guiltless young lady understudies who were exposed to their debased instructor’s despicable exercises and trapped in his sexual direct.

Justin Roland Singh Crozier was a previous educator at George Vanier School(GPV) of Fall River.

He was sentenced for exploitative sexual lead where he grabbed and attacked his understudies, who are scarcely as far as possible age of 10 years. The Nova Scotia Police Department has caught and imprisoned the educator Justin Roland since the 28th of September, 2021.

The educator who showed the young ladies at GPV that works with the learning system of Grade 6 to Grade 8 was associated with showing pervert conduct to the small children by their folks.

The short request with the people in question and parental confirmation of no hurt permitted some lament stricken guileless spirits to at last concede to the miscreant’s physically woven specialty.

The division has sent the attack case under wrongdoing labels and head of Child Abuse, Immoral Child Groping, Luring Naive Souls to Sexual Acts and Improper Touch.

This load of charges will mix a discoloring hit to the educators’ previous standing and furthermore push him to the certain discipline for hampering the eventual fate of those helpless spirits.

Justin Crozier is an educator turned affirmed hunter. The sex wrongdoer had his terrible spell for quite a long time at the George School before kids began giving insult indications of despondency and questionable lamenting over obscure issues.

The guardians’ first notification accompanied the young lady understudies lacking interest in melodic weeks and in-person intuitive classes that just continued post the 4-week boundary home review designation.

September 28th marked the main police obstruction to the illicit and physically distorted methodology of the instructor to his understudies. The school family was stunned to see their educator with great previous history turn this maverick and that too with such guileless minors.

— Georges P. Vanier (@GPVanierJH) June 25, 2021

The charges have since been set high as the hunter is expected to get the most exceedingly awful of the discipline and face the outright fierceness from the casualty’s family.

The man in his mid 30 will show up at the Dartmouth Provincial Court on October 2, 2021, to hear the further procedures of his case. It will be here that he will admit his unethical demonstration and sexual direct.

When the Dartmouth court judge administers his unique remark, Justin will confront long a very long time in jail and serious discipline contingent on the real most exceedingly awful nature of his serious wrongdoing.

The survivors of his rude gestures and every one of their folks will likewise be available at the court reason to guarantee that the guilty party gets the discipline he merits.