After greasing the wheels with the announcement that you can now use your smart phone as a controller and a preview set to a live Jason Derulo performance, Ubisoft unveiled Just Dance Unlimited, a monthly streaming service that will provide the Wii U, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 with new songs throughout the year.

Downloadable content isn’t a new concept. In fact, the Just Dance series has been offering these extras since their second installment back in 2010. And with games like Super Smash Bros. making bank on each announced DLC, it’s not a surprise that major companies like Ubisoft will want to keep pushing the downloadable envelope. Currently, it is unknown whether players will be able to buy new songs individually or if all additional content will come exclusively through the subscription.  If the latter ends up being the case, players might not be too happy about being shoehorned into a yearlong commitment.

What do you think about Just Dance Unlimited? Do you anticipate it being innovative and convenient or financially manipulative?