Today’s video covers supply drops and all the things that come with them. 

Supply drops will allow you to summon specific items to your location, even going so far as to let you determine how they’ll be positioned once they land. This is similar to the mechanics we’ve seen in previous games – with one hitch. Players will eventually be able to select from over 100 vehicles to have dropped on their location. Drops can also deliver weapons and other items.

Of course, the items won’t all be available at once. Players will need to unlock them by completing various activities in the game. Once unlocked, they’ll be added to the drop menu.

In addition, players will be able to unlock several pilots, decreasing the wait between drops. The pilots can also have specific items designated to them so that the items can be quick-dropped without any need to go into the menu and select them.

Just Cause 4 is set for release on December 4. If you’d like to see more of the game before then, check out the 20-minute game-play video from TGS earlier this year and our hands-on coverage from New York Comic Con.