All of this started with deceitful venture instances of Indra Kenz and Doni Salmanan of Crazy Rich Medan and Crazy Rich Bandung.

Investigate Juragan 99 Aka Gilang Widya Pramana Fraud Charges Juragan 99 otherwise known as Gilang Widya Pramana is supposed to accused of misrepresentation. He was accounted for trickery, as per the media, however the explanation news on his capture is yet to be uncovered.

Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, Head of Public Information Bureau, then again, gave no insights regarding the announcing. This incorporates the kind of supposed extortion that was executed.

All things considered, this isn’t the first time the pair is associated with quite a while. In 2018, Gilang and his significant other, Shandy were associated with their first lawful case. At that point, Gilang was involved in a fight in court over the robbery of restorative item plans.

On account of copied restorative compartments, Direskrimsus East Java (East Java) has named three suspects. Two of the three suspects were Gilang and Shandy.

On November 10, 2021, MS Glow ran over charges of responsibility for counterfeit plant, which prompted the second legitimate case. The structure that fills in as an industrial facility is remembered to have broken the provisions of the grant.

Sadly, the neighborhood police have not circled back to this legitimate case and there is no data accessible.

Gilang Widya Paramana: Juragan 99 Store Under Investigation-Biodata and Wikipedia Details Gilang Widya Paramana also known as Jurabag 99’s stores is being scrutinized after he was accounted for of duplicity and misrepresentation. His profile and Wikipedia subtleties recommend that he is the proprietor of eleven business tasks.

He was born on May 4, 1989. J99 Corp is the umbrella organization for a large number of organizations he runs.

J99 Corp deals with an assortment of organizations, as per its Instagram page, including excellence, mineral water, transportation, car, and convection.

As per CNN Indonesia, MS Glow is one of the famous brands in which he and his significant other, Shandy Purnamasari, are involved. Last year, the excellence care organization professed to be the best superficial brand, with 1.7 million supporters on Instagram (IG).

MS Glow takes special care of ladies as well as men and youngsters with its magnificence items. Juragan 99 has a corrective production line called Kosme Manufacture notwithstanding skincare brands.

Gilang likewise works a land transportation organization, PO Juragan 99 Trans, which spends significant time in transports.

— (@kompascom) March 22, 2022

Was Gilang Widya Pramana captured? Gilang Widya Pramana is supposed to be captured on charges of extortion, yet this seems, by all accounts, to be a lie.

As per Ramadhan, Gilang is explored as an observer to his significant other Shandy Purnamasari’s report against Putra Siregar.

He additionally expressed that his party would examine Juragan 99’s originator.

We will refresh you with additional data about the case as quickly as time permits.