How Did Juan Joseph Die? Juan was a champion football player at his secondary school in Louisiana prior to going to Millsaps College in Mississippi. Around there, he drove the group to perhaps its best season while playing as a quarterback in his senior year. In spite of winning numerous awards, Juan generally kept up with that instruction was his need, in the long run getting a Master’s certification in Business Administration. At the hour of the episode, the 27-year-old was filling in as the quarterbacks’ mentor at West St. John High School close to New Orleans, Louisiana.

Juan had been hitched for around two years and had a little girl with one more kid on the way when the episode happened on November 16, 2014. At around 2 AM, Juan and two of his companions were leaving a club in Baton Rouge when a contention with two different men in a vehicle prompted shots ringing out. The specialists hurried to the scene and observed that Juan had been shot two times in the chest. He was hurried to an emergency clinic however died later, surrendering to wounds.

Who Killed Juan Joseph? The specialists gained from witnesses that one of Juan’s companions was nearly hit by a vehicle in the club’s parking area. The driver of that vehicle was subsequently recognized as Lemark Cloud. After a contention resulted, Lemark escaped the vehicle and showed them a firearm, prompting Juan attempting to quiet everybody down. The specialists at first trusted that Lemark’s cousin, Kendric Cloud, escaped the vehicle and destroyed Juan.

Lemark Cloud Be that as it may, the disarray was cleared up later on since the individual who recognized Kendric was smashed at that point, making the distinguishing proof problematic. Before long, the specialists discovered that the shooter was Jamarcus Goodman, then, at that point, a 25-year-old in the vehicle with Lemark. When Lemark conceded to his part in the wrongdoing, Jamarcus was at that point in jail in Texas for bothered burglary, with a delivery date in 2022.

Lemark admitted to being the vehicle’s driver, yet his legal advisor guaranteed that one of Juan’s companions was the agitator of the contention. As indicated by Lemark’s lawyer, the companion was very alcoholic, and Lemark showed the weapon to move him away from his vehicle. Moreover, the weapon Lemark had was affirmed not to be the homicide weapon, and he let the police know that Jamarcus was the shooter. As a component of the examination, the specialists likewise gathered a 9mm self loading gun that was affirmed to be the homicide weapon. After testing, it was uncovered that Jamarcus’ DNA was found on the firearm.

Where Could Jamarcus Goodman and Lemark Cloud Now be? In September 2016, Lemark, then, at that point, 27, confessed to endeavored ownership of a gun by an indicted criminal. A couple of months after the fact, he was condemned to 7 and a half years in jail with credit for time served. Lemark, he has since been let out of jail and experiences avoided difficulty. He lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and has gone to culinary school.

Jamarcus Goodman In November 2018, Jamarcus confessed to homicide and was condemned to 40 years in a correctional facility. In any case, he remains detained at the Gib Lewis Unit in Woodville, Texas, for the exasperated burglary. The murder sentence would just start after Jamarcus gets done with spending time in jail in Texas.