On Friday, Savage delivered her new detailed account book, Love and Joy of Robert, in which she uncovered that she is pregnant with the vocalist’s child.


Savage as of late uncovered that R. Kelly proposed to her upon the arrival of his condemning by sending a wedding band to her home despite the fact that he was making a beeline for prison for quite some time, where he is probably going to use whatever is left of his life.

Joycelyn Savage said she knew a couple of months following 55-year-old Kelly sent her a wedding band.

— Page Six (@PageSix) August 12, 2022

“Months after the fact, I started anticipating extreme morning affliction and uncertain was the matter with my body. I assumed I had contracted COVID-19, yet the most astonishing fresh insight about undeniably was that I was expecting,” she said. “It was a cheerful day however a deficient time in my life. Today I am appreciative to God for giving me the most valuable gift. Robert is very amped up for the news that I am having a child and feels miserable that Robert can not be here with us,” the book read, as per the NY Post. The book doesn’t say when or how R. Kelly might have impregnated Joycelyn Savage as he has been locked away for over a year. Savage, who has denied any claims that she is a survivor of Kelly, likewise shared a ultrasound image of the pregnancy.

Savage likewise said that R. Kelly had some contribution to the book as he was the person who supported the picture of the ultrasound image.

The 26-year-old says she is “expecting him to be delivered and plan for fresh starts,” in the book.

Last month before his condemning, Savage composed a letter to the appointed authority arguing for mercy from the court. In the letter, she uncovered that they were locked in. She likewise said that she isn’t a survivor of the music symbol.

On the web, virtual entertainment clients conjectured about the pregnancy as they scrutinized the veracity of the case. Some doubted whether Savage had been permitted intimate visits, and some have even construed that assuming she is really pregnant, she may be hitched to the vocalist.

— No Jumper (@nojumper) August 12, 2022

There were hypotheses before that Kelly could have hitched Savage similarly he wedded an underaged Aaliyah to keep her from affirming against him many years prior.

His Attorneys have not answered the cases.